Research Project Topics
As NurseMind addresses nursing safety and effectiveness issues, it's a likely topic for governmental and foundation grant-based research. An important component of this approach includes measurement and evaluation of outcomes. To that end, a research project -- Nursing Time Management -- has been designed.
Best practices for industry/healthcare/academia collaborations --
New technologies in clinical practice:
- How to manage and mitigate these processes
- Using "sandboxes" for testing informatics products
- Choosing beta sites and doing beta testing
Nursing workflows
- Evaluating new tools and processes in context of live workflows
Data management
- Data protection, HIPAA, PHI
- Tracking data flows; security, access, and authorization controls
- Data in "the cloud"
- Managing data produced and consumed by new devices
- Strategic direction of IT department
- Working with vendors
- Systematic processes for approving projects
- User issues: usability, surveys, training, etc.
- Ownership and licensing of intellectual property
Non-disclosure and legalities of relationships
- Compliance
- Liability
Publishing: which journals? which audiences?
- Practice-focused: HIT people, administrative decision-makers, clinicians
Scholarship-focused: researchers, clinicians
- Publish/present at ANIA/CARING
New technologies in clinical practice:
Missed nursing care
- The big picture -- cognitive and workplace challenges of nursing
- New tools for time and task management
- Analyze reductions in missed care and other outcomes
- Validate at the level of a shift on a unit
- Metrics: outcomes, nurse stress/job satisfaction, actual missed care
"Personally-Created Cognitive Artifacts" (i.e. nurses' "brains"), per Sharon McLane, MS, MBA, RN-BC, 2009 doctoral dissertation, Univ TX
- Collect, analyze their content to characterize nurses' cognitive burden
- Informal/anecdotal collection started on this web site
- Apply NASA's cognitive burden scale to nursing